EuroGames Barcelona 08


EuroGames Barcelona 08

The necessary help of the sponsors Print E-mail

Organizing an event like EuroGames requires a lot of dedication, many people, many efforts but also the support of many assocations, administrations and companies. Without the economic or in kind contributions by administrations and companies the organization of an event like this would be imposible.

It is because of this that we want to thank our strategic partners, the City Council of Barcelona, through the Department of Sports, for all the sport program and also to the Department of Civil Rights for its contibution to the international conference on human rights and homofobia in sport. The Generalitat de Catalunya through the General Secretary's Office of the Sport for its participation in the sport program, but also the Ministries of Social Action and Citizenship, Interior, Health, Culture and Innovation, Universities and Company for its contributions in the general frame of all the EuroGames Barcelona 2008 Project.

It has also been important the collaboration of Metropolitan Transports of Barcelona (TMB) that has given us the possibility to communicate all over the city the celebration of the EuroGames with the utilization of its advertising supports. The important economic contribution has also come on behalf of the Barcelona Brewery Moritz, who shares the open, modern, and Mediterranean spirit with us and has given unconditional support to our initiative.

Finally, not for being less significant are less important the contributions that we have received from other companies or corporations like the Diputació de Barcelona, Txai Sport, Consejo Superior de Deportes, Stop Sida, Turismo de Lleida, Magazines Zero, Boys, Vanity Gay, Time Out, the ADN newspaper, the radio station Europa FM, the Hotel Axel, the California Hotel, Tourism of Barcelona and Tourism of Catalonia, ATM and many others that made our work much easier. To all of them, thank you very much!!!!

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2008 / © EuroGames 2008 BCN, S.L.
EuroGames EGLSF