EuroGames Barcelona 08


EuroGames Barcelona 08

On March 31st the regular registration for EuroGames Barcelona 2008 closes. Print E-mail

On March 31st the initial registration period to sign up for the EuroGames Barcelona 2008 closes. From this date onwards, a higher registration fee of 70 euros will apply for those members of clubs which form part of the European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF), and 81 euros for all other participants. During March, the members of the EGLSF still have the opportunity to register for 55 euros, whilst non-members pay 66 euros. The organisers of EuroGames Barcelona 2008 encourage all those who are interested in participating in the games to sign up before the initial registration period closes on 31st March.

To sign up, participants have to enter the webpage where all the registration instructions for those competitions which are still open are available, along with a form which also allows each participant to register those companions who they wish to invite to the event.

Despite the only requirement being that participants are over 18 years old, those citizens who reside in Europe will take priority. Those who are interested in participating in EuroGames but who are from non European countries will be placed on a waiting list to be evaluated next month.

As well as participation in their chosen competition, the registration fee includes entry to the opening and closing ceremonies of the event and a welcome pack.


2008 / © EuroGames 2008 BCN, S.L.
EuroGames EGLSF